Wonderland Gardens
Wonderland Gardens is a premium CBD manufacturer and distributor. They work with cutting edge labs to produce new types of health and CBD related products for the health conscious consumer.
They offer a broad range of products from lotions, creams, sprays, pet shampoo, and tattoo creams. These are all intended to improve the quality of life of their customers.
Wonderland Gardens contacted us with their need for a sleek, modern, E commerce website to sell their line of CBD infused products. After careful consultation we realized there were many careful legal elements we had to balance while designing the experience. The primary focus was a design that fused the marketing and product display in order to successfully increase conversions.
We saw the proper solution to be a wordpress site designed from the ground up to fit their need, we integrated beautiful animated graphics and plenty of natural imagery to convey the health conscious and organic nature of their products to the client.
A seamless shopping cart experience was also necessary with taxes, shipping, and labels all being calculated and automatically provided to the store admins. A mobile app was also supplied to track and manage sales/shipping.
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